Only parts of it prescribed by the WTS heirarchy. They told me not to look at the man behind the curtain.
Frannie Banannie
JoinedPosts by Frannie Banannie
How many here have actually read the bible............all of it?????
by vitty ini was in the org for 20 years and never actually read the bible from beginning to end.
then i bought a living bible and found even the most difficult parts easy to read.
but i still couldnt find time.
by Terry in1.what color is four?.
2. can you be enraged and outraged at the same time?.
3. is life being "broadcast" by the universe and we are merely "tuned" to our own particular channel?.
Frannie Banannie
1.What color is four?
Any color you want it to be.
2. Can you be ENraged and OUTraged at the same time?
You must be OUT before you become EN. Only then can you be both.
3. Is life being "broadcast" by the universe and we are merely "tuned" to our own particular channel?
This is why universal remote control devices are sold.
4. What is the dividing line between SUBjective and OBjective?
Personal Experiences.
Tell us a weird fact about yourself
by ninja ini will start....i can speak conversational albanian....thanks to the foreign language field...really useful in everyday life as a cleaner....sniff...why didnt i pick mandarin?
..would be useful when they take over the world....but one day i will find an albanian to talk to ...that or a needle in a haystack....the emmerdalian world of jw's
Frannie Banannie
Here's a sample of the "to do" list that Ninja's probably making up from this thread, yall:
Give Outofservice a bowl of popcorn after hiding the silverware.
Have cats delivered to Isaac & Highlander.
Give Leolaia some red sunglasses.
Get Terry a date.Purchase pacifier for Cognizent dissident.
Wear moccassins around Twitch.
Don't hug Mama1119 too tight.
Ask MsMcDucket if she gives "being angry" lessons.
by juni ini mean almost all the time?
a lot of all day tv watching?.
how do you feel about it?.
Frannie Banannie
Lawdhammercy, Crabby Pants watches it from 4 or 5 in the AM when he gets up until he goes to bed at night. That is when he's not out banking, shopping or sleeping.
It doesn't really bother me, except for when he adlibs through an interesting show and I can't hear the dialogue. Most of the time I don't even watch it, because he's watching the history channel (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) or some old oater or just flipping channels (get tha gun!).
Frannie Banannie
A pink 26" Malibu Beach Cruiser.
Gimme your Best Shot.
by Frannie Banannie ini've been re-thinking about what to say when jw's come knockin'.
i've thought about what the scriptures say about jesus' words to the pharisees and think perhaps i might say, "i don't have any interest in the doctrines and writings of the scribes and pharisees of the wts.".
or maybe i could just say, "yall're just wts nazis and you look down on everyone else as if they were jews during wwii, so i'd prefer not to converse with you.".
Frannie Banannie
LOL, Sylvernyte! I guess we won't hafta slap you to sleep tonite, eh?
But, rational or not, mature or not, sometimes it just feels good to treat them with their own medicine.
Yes, it does, Allalongthewatchtower. How about a Smurf Cutout on your door, holding up a sign that reads, "All JW's who enter here will be turned into Smurfs" ?
"My mum joined your religion and it destroyed our family".
It happens to be true.
Hey, ((((Sassy))))) That's what happened to our fam, too. Maybe if you said that to them, it would make them think twice about those whose families are broken over DF'ings and DA'ings.
What's your culinary specialty?
by pmouse inreading hortensia's topic "menu" made my mouth water.
i remember in the 70's (when we used to be able to have lots of jw social get-togethers like picnics and parties) some of the friends would bring pot-luck specialties that were to die for!.
everyone has a dish they consider their "specialty" which gets high praise and generally requests for the recipe.
Frannie Banannie
pmouse, this link is to a site that has all kinds of flatbread recipes, including pita, cibbatta (sp?) and focaccia:
My wife "Rowan" needs of your support too.
by Gerard inmy wife 'rowan' was born and raised a jw, her father being an elder -a very gentle loving person, but an elder.. some years ago, she was betrayed by a close friend, subjected to a jc and was disfellowshiped & shunned.
the proceeding was completely void of mercy and love, it was much like a violation, a rape.
finding herself df'd was of course terrifying, but the most disapointing outcome was that her father sided with the elders.. eventually she discovered through select books, articles and this board about the fear-driven mind control ways of her religion.
Frannie Banannie
((((Rowan)))) Check your inbox, too, chere!
Frannie Banannie
Thanks for the heads-up, Satanus! I emailed my SIL. They have Schnauzers and use both wet and dry food.
My wife "Rowan" needs of your support too.
by Gerard inmy wife 'rowan' was born and raised a jw, her father being an elder -a very gentle loving person, but an elder.. some years ago, she was betrayed by a close friend, subjected to a jc and was disfellowshiped & shunned.
the proceeding was completely void of mercy and love, it was much like a violation, a rape.
finding herself df'd was of course terrifying, but the most disapointing outcome was that her father sided with the elders.. eventually she discovered through select books, articles and this board about the fear-driven mind control ways of her religion.
Frannie Banannie
((((((((Rowan)))))))) (((((((((Gerard)))))))))
I can certainly empathize with you, Rowan. I was isolated from everyone I had known after 20 yrs in the WTS and in a strange place for about 7 yrs after I left. It wasn't until I got online in '99, that I finally found places to vent and plenty of info to help me begin healing from the WTS damage. I must have attempted suicide about half a dozen times in that first 7 yrs, give or take a time or two. You are so blessed (or lucky or whatever) to have your hubby, Gerard, who very obviously loves you and is so supportive of you. Give him huge hugs!!!
I wish I had the following link during those 7 yrs: <<<That link is to JanG's recovery thread that Lady Lee has compiled in her list of "Best of..." threads (3rd one down under Jehovah's Witnesses in the drop down box above). It will amaze you to see all the info that applies to what you're going through. All the symptoms. The hyperlinks in that thread contain info that will be good, not only for you, but for your hubby, too. Please share the info with your hubby. It will help him tremendously in understanding what you're going through, since he's said he's kind of in the dark where your problems are concerned.
I didn't know what to tell the psychiatrists who attempted to treat me for depression and never mentioned the WTS or my resultant PTSD because I didn't know that's what was wrong. At least, now you have a "heads-up" on the whole enchillada, chere.
My best wishes and my heart goes out to you both.